Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 1

Well, It's just after 7 on day one.  Amazingly enough, I didn't have any sugar cravings at work today.  Had  a banana and soy nuts for breakfast, snacked on kiwi and had a nice vegetarian lunch and several bottles of water.  Tonights dinner was also a delightful veggie meal....but....then....I remembered the leftover pizza in the fridge......that's when the battle started.  It's hard to go sit with your plate of baked eggplant, peas and rice while knowing the delicious chicago style pizza is right there in the next room.  Then, I started thinking about the Dr. Pepper and how wonderful it would be with the pizza....It was a sure struggle however short lived.  After getting past that hurdle I was hit with the typical after dinner desert craving.  Thank God there was orange juice in the fridge....because there were also Smores poptarts in the cabinet and I was having a hard time getting them out of my mind.  But, after the OJ, I didn't really care about the poptarts anymore.  I must say my first day has been a notable success.  I did not suffer from the 3 pm crash I would typically have experienced on a normal day.  This evening was a struggle but I was able to say piss off to the pizza and poptart!  (that's a HUGE triumph for me!)  I am looking forward to day 2. Tomorrow is a run day.  It's always so much easier for me to make healthy choices when I start the day with exercise!  

ps. iced tea helped prevent any caffeine headaches that would have been caused by not having the soda.  What a relief that was!

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